CLIENT: milka/oreo/walmart

CHALLENGE:  Develop a Walmart-specific introductory plan to Generate awareness and trial of the new Milka-oreo chocolate bar


 The Walmart aisles are a-buzz…and it’s no rumor! Our all-American favorite, Oreo, is totally crushing on European Milka chocolate! 

With its sophisticated texture and taste, Milka is not your average chocolate and exactly the upgrade Oreo deserves.  This power couple 

will elevate the satisfaction of cookie and candy lovers everywhere, and create an unbreakable relationship with millennials!


  • Checkout display takes on an almost tabloid feel with the young Oreo being wooed by the older Milka. 

  • Complementary signage placed on magazine display racks.

  • Partnership with Time, Inc.

  • Special bundle savings when shoppers buy both candy and magazine

  • Social platforms engaged via fun ways to send coupons to crushes, or, in a Pinterest -style format, make creative delivery vehicles 

  • for giving candy/cookie bars to crushes.

  • Demo samplers/personalities hand out samples and coupons to those who look like they need elevated satisfaction 

  • Online ability to update status with “Satisfaction elevated!” or special emoji representing elevated satisfaction

  • Mood scanning app measures elevated levels of satisfaction/mood before and after eating


CHALLENGE: to increase sales and excitement during the fall months


After all school supply lists are checked off, and fashion dreams realized with new gear, the kids board the bus…and there is a noticeable change in the air…from hectic to peaceful. It’s Back-to-Self time; that quiet space between back to school and Halloween where breathers are taken, and the rest is well earned. This completely unique and hugely ownable timeframe holds so much potential with a segment of shoppers who have not yet been addressed. It will be Target’s next big idea…exclusively from Time, Inc.


  • Tie in with Starbucks customized end cap placed at entrance to in-store coffee shop and at book aisle…free small coffee with purchase of magazine…specially designated locations in coffee shops to encourage people to chill out and read their magazines

  • Leverage sign up for Cozi app that’s been customized to alert people to when and where they can insert a little Self time into the busy routine that’s to come (EX: It’s 4 o’clock, Johnny has to be at hockey, and that’s a great time for you to read up on your People magazine)

  • Social platforms engaged to inspire shoppers’ to post picks of themselves enjoying their quiet BTS time with their magazine and coffee #myBTS #memyselfandI

  • Apps for those who enroll in Back-to-Self program can wander around the store and find deals on things they would like (based on previous purchase history) 
